We got back yesterday from our three-night trip to Silverton, which was centered around the 4CPAP paint-out on Tuesday.
In terms of painting, it was the most productive time I've had on any trip this year: five paintings, four of which were completed. I decided to take on some more challenging subjects that tested my ability to correctly (or not) handle two-point perspective, and an old truck - something detailed that I've never tried to paint on location.
Here they are, in the order painted.
From Monday evening, done at Molas Lake, which is near where we spent the first night:
Clearing Skies Over the Grenadiers - 12x12", plein air
pastel on black cardstock |
On Tuesday, in town. If you want to paint old buildings and attractive buildings, there are probably few better places than Silverton. There were fancier houses, for sure, but for some reason I was drawn to this modest red house with corrugated siding and roof. And, the weathered facade of the historical building to its left.
West 13th Street, Silverton - 12x12", plein air
pastel on black cardstock |
Despite spending a significant amount of time to make sure the perspective was accurate, guess what: there are still areas that were off. It was helpful to have people look at this during the critique session because errors, even small ones, are more apparent to fresh set of eyes.
Night two was spent at the Mineral Creek campground, about 8 miles west of town. It's also where the trail to Ice Lakes begins. The area right around the campground is scenic, but not for painting purposes. But, following the dirt road west brings you to this open view:
Last Light Along the Road to Rico - 12x12", plein air
pastel on black cardstock |
This was one of those many times my pastels just weren't cutting it, in terms of value and temperature needed. That conifer-covered slope to the left? The top part is in sun, while the meadowy slope on the right was in shade. It was the best I could do with what I've got to work with.
Wednesday morning, we headed back into Silverton so Wayne could work and I decided to try and paint one of these fabulous old trucks that I'd seen Sharon painting on Tuesday. Her painting, in oils, turned out great, and I was inspired to try it myself.
Not finished, but I wanted to share it anyway. And, I got photos of the rest of the trucks, and I'm thinking they will be great to paint in the studio this winter.
Retired Workhorse - 8x16"
pastel on board with Golden pumice ground + black acrylic |
For night three, we headed east of town to an area known as Cunningham Gulch. It's popular with everyone: hikers, equestrians, trail runners and those who prefer to use gasoline-powered vehicles.
We hiked up the trail towards Highland Mary Lakes, which are above timberline and not something we were enthusiastic about doing with the threat of a monsoon storm, but it was a great hike anyway. I brought my tripod and ND filter, and got some good waterfall photos.
After we got back, I decided this view a few meters down from our campsite warranted a painting:
Cunningham Gulch - 12x12", plein air
pastel on black cardstock |
Silverton is so named for all the mining that took place in the area. Some of the orange areas along the side of the mountain are from mine tailings. The mountain itself presented an interesting challenge to paint, to balance detail with the need to simplify things.
These paintings, along with a few others that are finished, nearly finished and not posted, brings my total to 60 so far! So, I'm well on my way to my 100-painting goal for this year.
Photos from the trip:
Rare pink version of the Colorado columbine |
Two of the old trucks in town |
Falls #1 - Cunningham Creek, along the trail to Highland Mary Lakes |
Falls #2 - Cunningham Creek |
Gathering of Coronis Fritillaries |
Final falls on Cunningham creek, just below timberline |
View of Cunningham Gulch from the creek near the trail |