Sunday, October 23, 2011

Near Baker's Bridge - plein air, pastel

From yesterday's paint out...

By Baker's Bridge
12x12 inches - pastel on Artagain
© S.Johnson
On Facebook, local photographer Kathy Myrick posted a link to some photos she's taken recently of fall colors along the Animas, including some at Baker's Bridge, a historical marker for the Durango area.  I'd only driven down the road that crosses this section of the Animas River, which is about 13 mi. north of town, maybe twice.  

And had totally forgotten about how scenic it is until I saw her photos.  So, yesterday afternoon, that's where Pat and I headed to paint.  The bridge itself crosses a very short gorge in the river, with the water being the most unbelievable shade of green, and I couldn't believe I've never thought to paint here before! It has reflections, rocks, trees and painting potential up the ying-yang, so I'll definitely be back.

I also secured some photos to use for studio paintings later, and here are a couple from the area:

View from the bridge looking up river

Wide-angle view from my painting location looking south and downstream

A willow and its reflection in a small pond near the river


  1. Lovely painting - that green water is incredible! Does it always look that color?

    Looks like you found a great spot ;-)

  2. Thanks Debbie :). The water color is pretty amazing, isn't it? From the photos I've seen, it's always this color, but I have no idea why. You can see in the photo how it fades from that jade green to turquoise blue.

    It's nice to have another place to add to my list of Great Places to Paint :D.

  3. Gorgeous!!! That glowing line of yellow trees is wonderful, Sonya!! Ooh, I bet you can't wait to paint from the lovely photos too.

  4. Thanks Diane! It was the line of cottonwoods contrasting against the distal mountains and river that clinched the deal to paint this particular scene. I'm grateful I got some photos, because this storm that's hitting us now is rapidly taking the leaves off the trees.

  5. Wow what a lovely painting! The colors are wonderful.


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